"Now, if we catch a female with a carapace longer than this little gal here," says Captain John Nicolai, ambiguously brandishing a small measuring instrument in one hand and a live two-pound lobster, claws snapping angrily, in the other, "What do we do? We throw her back. There you go, little lady,” he murmurs, gently lobbing the thrashing crustacean over the side of the little boat, Lulu. “In less sustainable fisheries than
I imagine the lucky demonstration female, briefly and bizarrely airborne before sinking slowly down to her murky bed, perhaps to seek her perfect match. (Then I imagine the tender, salty-sweet lobster meat on a toasty, butter-saturated bun that I gleefully consumed on the roadside in Wiscasset the previous day, and admit that both images fill me with a similar warm-and-fuzzy contentment.)
Captain John brings the boat up alongside Egg Rock, a tiny islet harboring an old-fashioned lighthouse and a colony of seals, lounging in the low tide like absurd, great-eyed lumps. J squeezes my hand, and I feel the gentle pressure of his too-big engagement ring between my fingers.
Indeed. This lady lobster’s found her perfect match. Let me tell you how it went.
We crossed the bar around three in the afternoon, collecting seashells and prodding at tidal pools as we went; by three-thirty we mounted Bar Island’s little slope and followed a dirt track through glades of apple trees to a field of long, sweet-smelling grass. We lounged there and talked softy and seriously, eating bruised sour fruits and watching a heron cross the wide blue sky. We laughed for a long time and then lay quietly, watching the autumn leaves turn to fire as the light changed.
Finally, we made our way back down to the beach. At first we thought that we had come out the wrong side and that the expanse of unbroken ocean before us was a mistake, but no – the bar was gone, the tide was coming in.
I started unlacing my boots. “Come on!” I shouted.
“What?” he asked me.
“We have to cross!”
“What?” he asked again.
“The tide just started coming in, right? So it can’t be too deep – we’ll just walk across like Moses! What, do you really want to call the
My sense of tides, it turns out, was woefully wide of the mark – tides go in and out not once but twice a day, and this far north of the equator, it’s a nine-foot difference between high and low. But J, though not an aquatically-inclined person, was no better informed than I – and, after successfully suppressing mild panic, he took off his boots and began to roll up his trousers.
I didn’t even hitch up my skirt - we anticipated no more than knee-deep. I should add that we were dressed for a romantic day of lobster-eating and window-shopping, not beachcombing and certainly not ocean-fording. But we resolutely tied our boots together, slung them around our necks, perched purse and camera bag on our shoulders, and felt the icy bite of the
In no time we were up to our waists, and a half-mile of indeterminate sea stretched out before us. And it was really, really, really cold. By this time, a small crowd of tourist onlookers had congregated on the far shore and were waving and snapping photographs. J was beginning to panic – but we gripped hands, breathed in resolve against the cold, the current and the rising tide, and crossed the sea like Moses.
We emerged to applause, dripping wet and relief. After stripping down to our wet underwear, we climbed into our rental car, cranked up the heat, and laughed until we were warm again.
That night, under a sky filled with more stars than I have ever seen – and meteors streaking across them like a code only we could decipher – J asked me to marry him.
That was two weeks ago – and even after we left that land of vanishing islands, lobster love and autumnal fire, my life continues to be more vibrant, more delicious. My heart is full of gratitude, and I’m so looking forward to this season of celebrating – the harvest, the spooks, the fire in the hearth, and all our love for one another. Thank you all, as we reach for each other across these ephemeral high-wires, for being here to celebrate with me.
What a fabulous story. Congratulations to both of you! Marriage is a wonderfully delicious adventure, and I wish you all the best. I feel all warm and fuzzy now too :)
Congratulations! And, yay, Maine!!! I'm from Bangor, an hour's drive west of Bar Harbor, but I live in NYC now. I can't tell you how much I miss the Maine coastline. I hope to have a story very similar to yours someday. =)
To my dear Kate and her Jeremy: May the road rise before you, the wind be ever at your back; and may God hold you, both, in the palm of his hand. Love, Dad.
With you for his wife; Jeremy is in for a thrill of a lifetime...or should I say, “For a lifetime!” I should know, for you are the best of the best, and I am proudly your mother. You and Jeremy together are uniquely wonderful and I will love watching where your union takes you…I hope, not stranded on too many islands!
I loved your blog, as usual, beautifully written and leaving this reader wanting more.
YAY! Joe and I are so happy for you guys! And could you two look any cuter? =) So glad you're blogging again...keep in touch.
Love ya,
Congratulations! What a lovely story--and so well told. I'm not sure I should be teary-eyed for the engagement of someone I've never met, but I am. Sending all the best for a lifetime together.
Congratulations! Have fun planning your wedding :-) Is this a start to blogging again?
Oh Kate stoooopppppppp, you're making me cry again!!!!
beautifully written. J is one lucky dude.
Congratulations, Kate! I wish you both the best and I know Jeremy is one lucky guy! Glad things are going well! I enjoyed reading the beautifully written story.
-Lauren Sutterfield
Congratulations! What a lovely story to have and hold for years to come :)
Congratulations, Kate! So beautifully related in such elegant prose... I could almost feel the bite of the cold water.
The best of luck to you both. I miss you; the house next door will always feel empty.
God bless!
- Knox Sutterfield
Kate and Jeremy,
What a great surprise and romantic story.
I'm so excited for the both of you and all the adventures that lie ahead for you guys.
On a personal note: Kate you have always shared a special place in my heart and now you and Jermey will bond two special hearts and make them one. How cool is that!!
God Bless you both.
Uncle Bob
good story. i love engagement stories that don't go something like "he put the ring in my champagne glass".
josh nearly fainted when he proposed. i'm glad jeremy is haler than that otherwise he wouldn't have survived the proposal AND the ocean fording.
need a book about how to pick a wedding dress? i have a spare since i have a dress.
yeah, so i'm a few weeks late on this blog post, but it is so lovely i had to comment :) a million congratulations, and certainly many more branches in the future!
Awwww, congratulations! I don't know Jeremy--and I haven't even seen you in several years now--but from reading your blog I know you two are a perfect match. So exciting!!!
So I am WAY delayed in adding a comment to your blog, but I hadn't checked in a while. However, I just want to congratulate you both again, and I'm so excited to see you soon!!!!
Love you, my darlingest friend in the world.
I came across your blog searching for a community of 'feminist housewives' - I actually read this post of yours first: http://moon-pie.blogspot.com/2006/10/baking-as-feminist-act-part-ii-kiss_18.html
Long story short, I didn't find a community, so I created one. I'd appreciate it if you'd give it a look and see if you have any suggestions for my site. Here's the address: http://www.feministhousewives.com
Happy holidays! Congrats on your marriage!
You look like Rachel Ray!!! (That is a compliment!)
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